you will need only
10 min per day
Building a breathing foundation
Breathing is a constant presence in life, and the psycho-emotional state depends on it. It consists of two phases: inhalation and exhalation. Breathing involves various aspects, such as the intake and release of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Conscious breathing is essential for maintaining good health
Mastering stress-management techniques of freedivers
- Chest breathing
- Rotations
- Breathing with head tilts
- Homework
The general function of respiration and how gas exchange takes place, as well as what happens during air exchange.
- Chest breathing
- Belly breathing
- Hand rotation with breathing
- Bending of the torso with breathing
- Homework
The importance of oxygen and carbon dioxide for respiration; the reasons why we need to breathe, and how these processes are linked
The significance of air in human life
- Torso bending with breathing
- Hand rotations with breath holding
- Partial inhalation with breath holding
- Cyclic breathing Homework:
the reasons for the need to breathe, misunderstandings regarding hyperventilation, which can cause a desire to inhale (strain on chest cells, CO2 levels in the blood).
- Head movements with breathing
- Hand rotations with breath holding
- Arm swings with breath holding
- Triangle breathing
You are familiar with the basic breathing techniques and are able to confidently perform them. Your lung volume has increased significantly, making it easier to breathe and engage in physical activity.
Overcoming fears of darkness, water, and heights
You know how to overcome fear through relaxed and natural breathing, rather than through willpower. You feel a surge of energy that helps you to believe in yourself and face your fears.
Myths about holding your breath: What is hypoxia, when does it actually occur, and is it dangerous to hold your breath?
Myths about holding your breath
- Arm swings with breath holding
- Breath holding with a tightened diaphragm
- Trapezoidal breathing
- Triangular breathing
- Expiratory breath
you will need only
10 min per day
you will need only 10 min per day
- Breathing with restrictions
- Breathing with restricted movement
- Holding one's breath with contracted diaphragm
- Quadrilateral breathing
- Dilated breath
The effect of breathing on the nervous system and its relationship with the overall stress levels.
- Abdominal breathing
- Breath holding with contracted diaphragm
- Incomplete inhalation with breath hold
- Cyclical breathing
Calmness through awareness
What should you focus on? What does it teach us about breathing, the study of internal stress by breathing?
You are better able to focus on important tasks, as your body and mind become more in tune with each other and develop a sense of trust. You experience a sense of calm and inner harmony even in challenging situations.